RS-701 Beltpack Gets Run Over by a Truck and STILL Works Great!
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GerrAudio, our Clear-Com Partner in Canada, decided to show its customers just how tough the RS-701 analog partyline beltpack is when the company decided to drive a truck over it. Even after that encounter, the RS-701 beltpack still worked superbly!
GerrAudio debuts NEW Clear-Com RS-701 Beltpack at CITT Calgary 2013
GerrAudio Distribution Inc.
PO Box 427, 2611 Development Drive, Unit 8Brockville, ON - K6V 5V6Direct Phone: 613 342 6999
Direct Fax: 613 342 8499
Toll-Free Phone: +1 888 462 8346 / +1 888 GO-AUDIO
Toll-Free Fax: +1 888 329 4377 / +1 888 FAX-GERR
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